You reap what you sow.....attracting what you want

by Megan on Tue, 09/23/2014 - 6:33pm | 0 comments

It's this simple.  Life is a self fulfilling prophecy.  Everything that we do comes from our thoughts and beliefs.  Do you think that you'll really get the perfect body that you've been working on if you can't believe it, know that it's going to happen, and have the full confidence that it will be's just a matter of time?  In life it's only too easy to have something go wrong, and then out of fear, to start thinking about all of the other things that you also don't want to go wrong.  Guess what always happens?  Other things start to build, problems, negativity.....a feeling of lack. If you haven't read the book The Secret, I highly suggest getting a copy of it, and thinking about the things that you want, visualizing holding them in your hand, visualize the outcome that you want, instead of living in fear that you'll have a negative outcome.  Believe it, feel it, know it, taste it, have it now.  That, is how you get what you want.

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