by Megan on Fri, 07/08/2016 - 6:25am | 0 comments
My competition is fast approaching, is life! I'm 52 days out from the WBFF WOrld Championships and find myself in a time where there is so much going on all at once. Keeping focused, and finally hitting my nutrition and food tracking hard. It always seems as if I have so much time left, but suddenly there's so little. I went for my first dress fitting yesterday, but had to tell the tailor not to finish everything perfectly because I will be dropping 4 pounds over the course of the next month.
When I truly want to lean out and do it quickly, I eat at home most of the time because it's the easiest way for me to account for everything that I eat, and to avoid temptation. The next few weeks are going to be very disciplined as I'd like to be my goal weight a few weeks early so that I can fine tune. I'm off to sleep to train and work tomorrow:) Stay healthy and beautiful! Megan
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