Keyword to changing your body? Change

by Megan on Sun, 06/02/2013 - 6:57pm | 0 comments


I don't think it's uncommom to look for something that creates change without putting in much effort.  If you watch infomercials, or look at the ads on television, everything is made to look quick and easy.  Time and time again, people ask me how to get a toned physique, but as soon as the words have left their mouths, they add in several statements about what they are NOT willing to change.

Newsflash: if you continue to do the things you have been doing, you will have the same results. Simply thinking about a better body will not give you results.  You need to take action, and the action needs to be strong, and effective.  

Right now, I'm getting ready for the WBFF world championships in  Las Vegas, which will take place in August.  I took before pictures last week, and I look good, but am clearly not stage ready.  I need to lower my bodyfat levels (to look more toned) build some muscle (not a ton, but enough to look slightly more hourglass) and to have more defined abs.  If I continue to do what I'm doing, I will stay the same.  In order to make changes, I'm keeping my carbs with my morning and afternoon meals, but taking them out at dinner because my body won't have the time to burn them off.  I'm reducing my dessert consumption ( and sugar) to twice a week, and I'm increasing the intensity level at which I work out.  I'm working to increase my reps, or weight every single week.

Want to change your body?  Gotta change a few things.

Stay healthy and gorgeous!


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