
How to keep New Years Resolutions

by admin on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 4:36pm | 0 comments

1. What exactly is your goal? Write down the specifics: When, where…how does it look, and specifics you have. 2. Why do you want it? How is your life not as wonderful as it could be if you had what you wanted? Write down what your life will look like in 5 years if you don’t change the habits that are keeping you from your goal, and in 10 years. This exercise can actually... read more

Setting the goals you want

by Megan on Thu, 07/24/2014 - 4:28pm | 0 comments

Have you ever had a goal, and gone after it for weeks or months, only to discover that what you were going after wasn't what you wanted at all, it was actually what someone else wanted for you, or something that you thought you should want, or would make someone else happy? The process of goal setting can be a tricky thing, and when distinctly setting your goals, it's crucial to know that... read more
I've noticed a trend in myself lately- taking pride in completing a task while giving a 50 percent effort. Where did I notice this trend you may be asking? Sadly, I noticed it as a pattern within myself. Saying things like: "I broke a record with my weights today, EVEN after two glasses of wine last night!" Or "considering I didn't really focus on my training, I did PRE... read more