by admin on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 4:36pm | 0 comments
It's true that you can't make a visible change without making some major changes in your daily habits. I haven't competed in a few years, and this year I needed a clear goal because there is something amazing that always seems to happen when I am working on one main goal, and that is that I quickly get much closer to all of my goals. After a few weeks of mulling it over, and thinking about whether I was going to be able to commit the time to get ready, I finally decided that I was going to compete again, and the place to do it was Vegas. I always work hard and am disciplined with my fitness, but for something like this I take it up a notch. My training becomes more intense, and a little longer as well. I need more rest to recover from my workouts, and there is no room for empty calories so I cut out alcohol. That's always a tough one even for me. So much of the social life in the city involves meeting friends for a drink, but not only are the calories empty, it also makes me tired and dehydrated when it comes time to train. I'll be adding in one training day a week, so rest and great nutrition are going to be crucial. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes that I'll be making, but they won't be happening without hard work.
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