WBFF Bikini Pro Debut 125 Days out

by Megan on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 3:43pm | 0 comments

I'm officially training for my WBFF pro bikini debut. Right now my WBFF Bikini Pro debut is 125 days out. I'm starting out in a great place as I've been training consistently and diligently since my last competition and I tend to watch my eating year round. Many people have asked me why I'm training so early and I always tell them that the more success you have in fitness competit... read more

My Journey to the WBFF World Championships in Vegas

by admin on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 4:36pm | 0 comments

It's true that you can't make a visible change without making some major changes in your daily habits. I haven't competed in a few years, and this year I needed a clear goal because there is something amazing that always seems to happen when I am working on one main goal, and that is that I quickly get much closer to all of my goals. After a few weeks of mulling it over, and thinking... read more

What I took away from my WBFF Bikini Competition Prep

by admin on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 4:36pm | 0 comments

Last weekend something happened that I have dreamed about for quite a while…I competed in the bikini division at the WBFF and won my class, which also had the added benefit of the fact that I was also awarded my WBFF pro card, which means that I will now compete in a new category with other WBFF pros. My favorite part of signing up for a fitness competition is actually the training, a... read more

Bikini Contest Prep

by admin on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 4:36pm | 0 comments

I've talked to so many women that have considered entering a bikini competition, but they weren't sure of what Bikini Contest Prep consists of, so I thought I would write a little bit about it here, to answer the questions people have beforehand. I learned so much through the process of doing the actual competitions that I did, and with each one I became much better prepared... read more

My posing session with Nicole Costa of Bodyrock.

by Megan on Tue, 10/08/2013 - 7:26pm | 0 comments

I'm competing in a WBFF competition in November, and I'm working to prepare myself better for this competition than I did for the last. I love, love the training, but I always slack on my stage preparation, perhaps because it isn't something that comes naturally for me. As you may or may not know, I have a tendancy to be a little shy, and have always been nervous to stand up in front... read more