Adjusting the temperature of your success

by Megan on Wed, 09/24/2014 - 5:27pm | 0 comments

We all have a set temperature, a place where we feel comfortable in business, in our physical bodies, and in love. If you think about it, it's not that different from the fact that we all have a set temperature for how we feel comfortable in our homes or when we're sleeping.  This is fine as far as setting the thermostat, but when it comes to your personal success physically,  businesswise, and in love it's important to be able to physically override the temperature that you're used to.  Unless you consciously learn to override the temperature that you have set for yourself your success in all of these areas will have no chance to grow, as every time it does you will literally do something to cut it back down. 

As an example: when I'm preparing for a photo shoot I envision where I want my body to be and alter my diet and exercise accordingly. I only have dessert once a week, and I eat much cleaner foods than usual. I also drink half a gallon to a gallon of water per day and I hit the gym with 100% effort. Over and over I experience the same thing: just as I've made some significant progress and I literally see my abs and muscle tone getting to the point where I need to be some small little voice in my head says: "your physical temperature is above where you're comfortable." At this point I suddenly find myself doing small things that go directly against the goal that I'm trying to achieve. Someone offers me dessert and I take i,t or I oversleep and cut my work out a little bit short. It may take a few of these events for me to look at it and realize what I'm doing, once I realize what I'm doing I revisit my written goal for what I'm trying to achieve, and I reaffirm all of the good habits that I've already set and continue to do them. Your mind will tell you to stay the way that you are and you must make it a daily habit to consciously remind yourself that it's only human to want to stay the way you are.  Reset your internal success level. Tell yourself that it's worth achieving your goals and that you can handle getting used to a new temperature. You're amazing and there's no reason for you to reject changes simply because they're  uncomfortable. It's time to set your standards higher and to believe that you deserve only the best. 


Stay healthy and beautiful!




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